Christopher Rushbrooke Associates Ltd


Christopher Rushbrooke designs and installs a complete range of entertainment, automation and networking solutions, from the modest but effective to the most comprehensive. Christopher Rushbrooke has installed systems inside (and outside!) private homes, record company offices, restaurants, bars and superyachts. We pride ourselves on being able to come up with the best possible solution for our clients within any restrictions of budget or schedule.

Every job has the potential to pose unexpected problems. Our experience can help anticipate and minimise these from the outset but some issues don’t become clear until mid-job. We’re proud to say that every such challenge we’ve encountered we’ve been able to solve to the client’s satisfaction. All the knowledge that we’re constantly gaining is thus at your disposal for your own project.

Below is a list of a selection of jobs we’ve recently undertaken: click on the Links below to see a brief summary of the project. Different budgets, different briefs, different schedules, different problems – but each one solved and executed with the same level of care and professionalism.